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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Group: Yusef D., Allen B., LaShay W., Jennifer N., Kyle H., Elisha P.


  1. Recycling Competition

  2. Hello all,

    My name is Kyle H.; I intend to major in psychology, studying counseling or advising. I believe that the project of RecycleMania, while not necessarily improving the condition of the environment a great deal, cannot hurt to clean up a little extra garbage. If however, there were a vast majority of the society, cleaning up and recycling, it could have a major impact on the cleanliness of the environment. I believe that it would have made more of a difference when the garbage was burned at the landfills, now however the plastics are not being burned, at least as much, as in earlier years. The more people involved in recycling the better the results, but I don’t think enough people are involved at this point in time to actually effect much more than the general area, whether it is a campus or store parking lot.

    Kyle H.

  3. Hello group,

    My name is Elisha P.; I intend to major in Radiology. I have to admit that I myself do not regularly recylce; however, I believe that RecycleMania is a wonderful project. This project is getting young college students involved not only with their communities but also with a cause that can only do good for our enviroment. This is a project that many of these young adults will carry into their future. Although one person can not change the world, they can start a movement for others to follow. If we were to all follow in their footsteps, who knows what the outcome may be?

  4. Hello
    Hi everyone. My name is Yusef D. I am pursue a teaching degree. I think RecycleMania is a great idea. RecycleMania can encourage thousands of students to recycle every year. I can’t think of any other place that has such a huge influence on young adults. If everyone that attended college convinced their families to start recycling almost the whole country would be recycling by the end of the decade. I was shocked to read that the caps on plastic bottles are not recyclable. I wonder why there hasn’t been a movement to make all plastics found in grocery stores recyclable.
    Yusef D

  5. Hello group,

    My name is Jennifer N. This is my second semester at JCTC and I am majoring in education and math. I think that RecycleMania is a really good idea. You don’t see too many people recycling these days and this is a great way to get young people in the habit of recycling. These Universities are competing against each other to see who will recycle the most each week and the winner gets NO REWARD. It’s awesome how these people can be so committed to trying to win and not expect anything out of it. Olympic College said that if someone in the Environmental Outreach Club (OCEO) sees a person recycling they will hand them a raffle ticket for a chance to win a small prize. I think that this was a great idea that these colleges came up with and I hope one day all colleges will start to compete in RecycleMania.

    Jennifer N.

  6. Hello.

    My name is Allan B. I am an undecided about what I plan to major in but I am leaning towards business management. I believe that RecycleMania is an amazing idea. I'm not too much of a recycler, but the thought of helping out the world I live in and the environment sparks something in me to get out and do something more about it. I guess you can call me a bit of a tree hugger because I actually am. It amazes me that the number of colleges participating in this event is doubling each year and I truly hope that it continues to grow. If this increase continues and the students at these participating colleges influences their families and friends to get involved, then there is no limit on what we could do for our environment. But it'll take time. Everyone must come together if we wish to make the environment better. A couple thousand students does a lot of good, but nowhere near the amount of good that would come out of this project if EVERY school and student participated. RecycleMania was a great idea and I hope that it continues to grow and make a difference in the world we live in.

  7. It seems that we all tend to agree that recycling is good for the community, if that is the case, why aren’t we all doing it; are we afraid to be first, are we waiting for someone else to step up so it’s just easier for us, do we think that we won’t be able to start the “movement”? Personally for myself I think it’s a little bit of it all, why that is I don’t know, but regardless, we all do seem to agree with the basic concept of recycling, and why it’s helpful. Yusef, you wondered about the bottle caps, and I also find it strange that we know there is a problem, and yet we still haven’t tried to look for a solution; anyway I looked it up, and none of the couldn’t find anything on the side links about it, though I did find this web site: It talks about the company, Aveda, and about how they take the caps off plastic bottles and recycle them, I found this odd as well because if they can recycle the bottle caps, then that means we have the means to do it, yet the process used to recycle bottles doesn’t also use the technology integrated into Aveda’s system; why not? Like I said, it seems we all agree that if everyone would recycle the effects would be extraordinary, but at this point of time it doesn’t seem that everyone has the motivation to get up and do it. Just a side note, I do think it’s really awesome that so many people can get into the RecycleMania gig without any type of reward, it’s good to know that some people in the world have morals.

  8. Hello group,
    In my opinion, I think that the reason not everyone is recycling is because we are lazy. Even though there isn’t much to recycling. Some public places have special bins next to a regular trash can labeled “plastic” or “cans” and even then most people still throw their cans and bottles in the trash cans. People in today’s society rely more on technology and the little things that make our lives easier. No one is concerned about the environment anymore and we should be. We don’t see the damage that wastes and pollutants have done to our environment. Is it because there isn’t too much of it yet? Do you think once it gets worse, people will start to care? By that time, will our environment be too destroyed to fix? Hopefully one day here soon everyone will realize that we need to stop being so lazy and try to keep our environment clean.
    Jennifer N.

  9. I read the article "Second-Hand Pollution" from Science News. The article discusses the affect importing has on pollution. Most modern countries have started developing new technologies that are environment friendly. However, we import from countries that haven't started making that switch. Think about all the supplies that it takes to run a campus and how often when we look at the labels they were not made in America. If we are cleaning up our campuses, but importing products from third world countries that are polluting their lands we aren't really making much progress. We talked about the lack of recycling of the bottle caps. I wonder where they are made? I understand the cost of upgrading equipment could put some of these companies out of business. Couldn't our government help these countries upgrade their equipment, and spend a little less money fighting wars nobody understands? I am sure there would be a smaller body count, and think what that would do for world relations.
    I also read "Industrial-Strength Fungus" from Time Magazine. This article discusses a fungus that is strong enough to be used as bricks. The fungus is also fire, mold, and water proof. Think how great it would be if we had college dorms grown from fungus. The fungus could also be used for insulation. The article stated that the fungus is grown from corn husk which are not edible by humans or animals, so we would be cleaning up garbage while we are growing buildings.


  10. I agree with Kyle, we do all agree on the idea of recycling. I personally think everyone in the world agrees with the idea of recycling but like Kyle said, everyone is simply too lazy to actually do anything about it. Jennifer mentioned the trash cans in public that are labeled "plastic" and "cans", I have seen these in alot of public places and very rarely are they being used. To be honest, I never really use them. The only excuse I can give myself and every other American who doesn't recylce is laziness and also the lack of care we have for the environment. I also agree with Yusef and Kyle about the bottle caps. I never really thought about the idea of recycling bottle caps until now. Clearly there is alot more that needs to be done when it comes to recycling. Every little bit helps, but like Kyle said, in the big picture it doesn't truly do much unless EVERYONE is contributing. But in today's economy, I believe it is somewhat hard to go "fully" green. After reading "It's not easy being green in an economic Crisis" I realized that not everyone can contribute as much as others. Yes, everyone can recycle cans, aluminum, etc. But not everyone has the will power and money to go buy a hybrid car, afford solar panels on your house, or furniture made from recyclable material. I believe that EVERYONE should contribute the best they can to recycling and making our world a better place. If everyone is doing it, then every little bit will help!

  11. Hello group,
    I have to agree with Jennifer that one of the main reasons more people do not recycle is simply because they are lazy or forgetful. It is easier for us to walk by a trash can and through everything in the same one, then to take the time to seperate things out and put them in the appropriate waste recepticals. I found it interesting that bottle caps were not recycleable. As Kyle said, Aveda has the technology to recycle bottle caps and yet they are not putting the technology to good use by integrating it into all recycleable plastics. I believe now because we ARE in an “economic crisis” that it is more important then ever to recycle. The old saying “Waste not, Want not” comes to my mind when I think about all the things we simply throw out everyday. The impact of recycling even if EVERY person does not do it is still evident and people should not be discouraged if everyone is not jumping on the band waggon to recycle.

  12. Hello all,
    Laziness, this word is what it all boils down to; we humans are all lazy creatures. To deny this would be a lie for all people, we are all lazy in our own way, or maybe we just don’t care. It would be really easy to put the paper in the bin for paper, and the plastic in the bin for plastic, but we don’t; I guess it’s never too late to start. Something I never thought about; reusing. Why not instead of getting disposable objects and then not recycling, instead get reusable objects, it’s a brilliant idea for us lazy folk. Sure recycling is good, but if we don’t have to recycle or dispose of almost everything, then wouldn’t that make a dent on all this? Just one more thing to think about, reuse, recycle, dispose; could that be a good order to follow?

  13. Hello Group. I understand where Rhonda is coming from when she states that she doesn't have time to grow a garden. I also like organic produce, but Rainbow Blossom, and Whole Foods are both far from my house. I have found that Meijer's organic produce is just as good. I am not impressed with Kroger's or Wal-Mart's organic produce.
    Jennifer it's a shame that we have to pay for recycling. I used to pay for recycling when I was with Waste Management, but when I switched to Rumpke I didn't get it. We are in a struggling economy, and in this situation the environment is what suffered.
    I did a Google search for "green collages", and was surprised to see that Berea collage came up. Here is the link.
    Berea is considered to be one of the greenest colleges in the country. Berea has three hybrid cars, and a 12 passenger van used to discourage students from bringing cars to campus. What I found to be the most interesting is their Eco-village. They have a small village of dorms, and classrooms that are dedicated to being completely green. The Eco-village's goal is to reduce water use by 75%, and waste by 50%. It's nice to know that a college so close to home is one of the leaders of Going Green.

    Yusef D.

  14. Hello again!
    I have to agree with Jason, that the technology is just not where it needs to be right now to make hybrid and diesel cars more readily available to the public. I also agree with Hanna that hybrid vehicles are grossly over priced for the general public. The fact is that most middle class American's can not afford a vehicle that starting costs in the $35,000 range, even if it is better for the environment. But i also feel like hybrid cars are not are only option in lowering emissions put into the air we are breathing. Commuting on buses or car pulling are also great ways to lower the demand for oil. I checked out this web site and was pretty impressed with the statistics. Check it out for yourselves, I think you will be pretty shocked by the staggering numbers.

    Elisha P.

  15. In this link (, it shows the Earth being coughing. When you cough you are usually sick. I used this picture because to me, this small cartoon of the Earth has a huge meaning. To me, this image shows the Earth sick. Why is the Earth sick? Because it is getting sick of all of our mistakes when it comes to recycling and "going green." Too many in our world do not recycle. As i've learned in my group project with "going green," less than 30% of the globe recycles. The Government is trying to give us answers to all of our past mistakes by giving us hybrid cars, electric cars, and even solar panels for our houses. But out of all those things i just mentioned, your average American cannot afford the costs of these items. And if the average American can't afford these things, how can other countries afford them when we are considered one of the wealthiest nations on the planet? All around the globe governments are trying to solve this crisis. But the answer is truly simple, RECYCLE! If everyone in the world would quit being lazy and pitch in to recycle and help make the environment a better place, we would not be having global warming. Again, to me, this picture means alot. It is just a creative cartoon but it's meaning is phenominal and i think that we must all come together if we ever expect our Earth to become as healthy as it once was
